Colored Lights || 5.25.11 @ 3.37 | Bannack Ghost Town | f/3.5 | Shutter Speed: 1/6sec | Canon Powershot | ISO 200 | Focal Length: 6.0mm | no flash
Mourning Cup || 5.25.11 @ 6.43pm | Bannack Ghost Town | f/4.0 | Shutter Speed: 1/1600sec | Canon Powershot | ISO 200 | Focal Length: 38.9 | no flash
Wagon Wheels Still Rumble On || 5.25. 11 @ 2.53pm | Bannack Ghost Town | f/3.5 | Shutter Speed: 1/160 | Canon Powershot | ISO 200 | Focal Length: 20.1 | no flash
In the Window || 5.25. 11 @ 3.01 | Bannack Ghost Town | f/4.0 | Shutter Speed: 1/320 | Canon Powershot | ISO 200 | Focal Length: 22.4 | no flash
The first image, I edited in HDR (which is actually fairly obvious because of the banner-y thing). It was fun to adjust the colors and brightness. For picture two, I merely used a small aperture to blur the background and then focused on the cup things which blurred the background. I kind of like that it looks like the girl in the back is mourning. It was not planned at all, but ah well. Black and white filter adjusting the contrast, and I liked the wagon. It was a nifty angle (and I had tried several). For the sepia, I had to adjust. I found some instructions online that did not really help at all, so I fiddled with the hue/saturation until I got it figured. On the plus side, I now know basically how to sepia a picture. The last image I really, really liked. I spent forever, it seemed, getting those angles right and getting a shot of the staircases that were what I wanted. I came back with this image. In Photoshop I added a little contrast, brightness, and vibrance. It just looks super sweet to me!
Cabinet | 5.25 @ 4.23 | Bannack | f/2.3 | Shutter Speed: 1/80 | Canon Powershot
Podium | 5.25 @ 3.28 | Bannack | f/4.0 | Shutter Speed: 1/30 | Canon Powershot
Heart Door | 5.25 @ 5.48 | Bannack | f/3.5 | Shutter Speed: 1/50 | Canon Powershot